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SWeet! Students will participate in a Workshop at the London International Festival of Early Music (LIFEM) 14th November 2024!

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SWeet! Recorder Consort CIC – Extraordinary Recorder For Extraordinary Kids

Our Aims

  • To provide high quality recorder tuition at vastly reduced rates to children living or attending school in the London Borough of Lambeth.
  • To ensure equal access to tuition, no matter what challenges the child faces, and regardless of ability to pay.
  • To bring students together from across the community to perform in local venues and to provide opportunities to take music examinations with a recognised Board.
  • To promote the instrument known as the recorder and educate the public about its true uses and value.

Our Name

'SWeet!' comes from the Italian for 'recorder' which is flauto dolce or sweet flute. The capitalisation of SW reflects our affiliation with Streatham Wells Primary School in SW2

Why is SWeet!'s work so important?

"Our findings demonstrate that music education has an important role to play in childhood development and add to the converging evidence that music training is capable of shaping skills that are ingredients of success in social and academic development. It is of particular importance that we show these effects in children from disadvantaged backgrounds" - Habibi, Cahn, A. Damasio, H. Damasio, 2016


SWeet!'s repertoire is hugely varied: from the music of the Renaissance and Baroque, with which the recorder is most commonly associated, through Classical, jazz, minimalist music, and folk music from around the World, to rock, pop, rap, Bollywood and music using electronics and extended temporary techniques, there really is something for everyone on each SWeet! concert programme.

Click here to hear and see us in action!

About - SWeet Recorders

Without SWeet!, it would not have been possible for my child to learn a musical instrument, because of… finance and time

I get to play the recorder and make my family proud!

The feeling of knowing they are 'good' at something…spills over into school learning, and children gain the confidence to pursue to their ambitions

Current Supporters

SWeet! gratefully acknowledges the generous support of our funders and sponsors, without whom we could not reach those children most in need.

Comic Relief logo
London Community Fund logo
Streatham Wells logo
Lambeth Sounds logo
Taylored Photography logo
London Music Fund logo
Broadbiz Web Services logo
Kingsdale Foundation School logo

Kingsdale Foundation School