SWeet! Students will participate in a Workshop at the London International Festival of Early Music (LIFEM) 14th November 2024!
If you have ever had a child learning to play a musical instrument you will know how expensive it can be! Tuition fees, examination fees, accompanists' fees, travel expenses, competition entry fees - it all adds up quite quickly.
Many of our children come from disadvantaged backgrounds and access to instrumental tuition is simply unaffordable.
SWeet! can pair you anonymously with a particular child in need.
What do you love to do? What is that one hobby or interest which really makes you happy? Do you love to walk, ride a bike, swim, grow plants from seed, bake cakes, make jewellery, paint pictures?
Why not do it in aid of SWeet! children? Please let us know what you have planned so that we can support you!
Email Us To Register InterestSWeet! would especially like to hear from people local to SW2 who are keen to contribute to our community.
Do you have a fund-raising idea you think would bring people together in support of SWeet!? Would you be able to organise a fund-raising event or activity?
Are you a local business or individual who can offer a service or a free performance venue to SWeet!?
Whatever ideas you have, SWeet! would like to hear from you!
Email Us To Register InterestSWeet! has introduced my children and me to....a wonderfully diverse range of people that it's a pleasure to know
We have built a community that holds a place in everyone's heart
SWeet! provides young people many from disadvantaged backgrounds the opportunity to excel in music
SWeet! gratefully acknowledges the generous support of our funders and sponsors, without whom we could not reach those children most in need.
© SWeet! Recorders 2025 - All Rights Reserved
| Registered Company Number: 10768189
SWeet! logo © Emma Rhodes 2014