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SWeet! Students will participate in a Workshop at the London International Festival of Early Music (LIFEM) 14th November 2024!

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Past Trips and Events

Medieval And Renaissance Dance Workshop With Tim Walker

1st October 2019

On Tuesday 1st October 2019 we put on our dancing shoes as Tim Walker, a Medieval and Renaissance dance expert, taught us dances from Orchesography by Thoinot Arbeau 1520-1595. We learned several Branles or Bransles (pronounced, we learned, “Braun” if using the French). In Branle Des Cheveaux – English Horses’ Brawl – on one step we pawed at the ground like a horse. In Bransle les Lavandieres – English Washerwoman’s Brawl - we waggled our fingers at our partners before doing the washing together. In Branle des Pois – English Peas Brawl – the boys and girls took it in turns to jump and shout “POP”, like a lot of peas popping in the summer sun.

A huge SWeet! THANK YOU to the wonderful Tim, also known as The Dancing Mister, for a thoroughly enjoyable and very informative evening. Next time we play any dance music from this period on recorders we will understand exactly how we should perform it, especially when choosing an appropriate tempo.

Follow Tim on Facebook and find him soon at a festival near you!

Red Priest

Red Priest live in concert at King's Place

5th May 2019

A group of SWeet! students heard Red Priest perform their amazing virtuosic programme Truly, Madly Baroque, featuring Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 5, a transcription of Vivaldi's famous 4-violin concerto, and a psychedelic arrangement of Tartini's Devil's Trill Sonata. SWeet! students were in awe of the tempo and precision of the playing, particularly that of recorder player Piers Adams. Piers and ‘cellist Angela East kindly posed with us for a photograph afterwards.

Here is video of Red Priest in action!

Red Priest
Red Priest

Photographs © Fiona Tidiman 2019

BBC Sounds Podcast Recording with James Acaster

22nd March 2019

James Acaster visited SWeet! students at Streatham Wells to make a BBC podcast recording which will appear on BBC Sounds later this year. 22 students took part in recreating the track "Morning Thought" from one of James's favourite 2016 albums, "AV" (Surface To Air Missive). Recorder features prominently on this album and James was keen to learn about creative uses of the instrument in serious contemporary (rock/pop) music-making. The students taught the first 4 descant notes to James, and after a bit of practice he was ready to join us as we recreated the track. The podcast is now in post-production and will appear on BBC Sounds soon.

James Acaster - www.jamesacaster.com

Image of BBC Sounds Podcast Recording with James Acaster

Photograph BBC Sounds 2019

Sancho - An Act Of Remembrance

16th June 2018

A group of SWeet! children had front row seats at Wilton's Music Hall for this critically acclaimed one man play about the first black person to vote in a British General Election, Ignatius Sancho 1729-1780. SWeet! performs music by Sancho who has been called "the black Mozart". One of our party was invited onstage to play Mrs. Sancho and danced with Paterson Joseph! Afterwards we met Paterson and he posed with us for a photograph. He was impressed with the concentration and engagement of SWeet! children during the performance and called them his "little Sanchionettas".

Written and Performed by Paterson Joseph - Click Here

Image of Sancho - an act of remembrance
Image of Sancho - an act of remembrance
Image of Sancho - an act of remembrance

Photographs by SWeet!

The tutors' commitment and support at all levels is just amazing! They walk an extra mile

Thank you for guiding me, through recorder...without you I wouldn't be who I am now

Her strength and motor skills are helped and developed through recorder lessons and practice

Current Supporters

SWeet! gratefully acknowledges the generous support of our funders and sponsors, without whom we could not reach those children most in need.

Comic Relief logo
London Community Fund logo
Streatham Wells logo
Lambeth Sounds logo
Taylored Photography logo
London Music Fund logo
Broadbiz Web Services logo
Kingsdale Foundation School logo

Kingsdale Foundation School