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Midwinter Concert - Thursday 7th December 5.30pm at Streatham Wells Primary School SW2

07879 692274

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Reports And Finances

Image of Annual Accounts and Directors Report

Teaching SWeet CIC Annual Accounts and Directors Report 2020 - 2021

Image of Annual Accounts and Directors Report

Teaching SWeet CIC Annual Accounts and Directors Report 2019 - 2020

Image of Annual Accounts and Directors Report

Annual Accounts and Directors Report - 31st August 2019

Image of Annual Accounts and Directors Report

Annual Accounts and Directors Report - 12 May 2017 to 31 August 2018


The concerts are a lovely way of bringing people together and celebrating children's achievements

Without SWeet!, it would not have been possible for my child to learn a musical instrument, because of limited resources, for example finance, and time for taking my child to every performance

To be honest, I like Baroque music best

Current Supporters

SWeet! gratefully acknowledges the generous support of our funders and sponsors, without whom we could not reach those children most in need.

Comic Relief logo
London Community Fund logo
Streatham Wells logo
Lambeth Sounds logo